
Monday, June 6, 2016

More NFL Players in Technicolor Sweaters

By John Turney

Though not quite as many HOFers as appeared in this ad, there are several here and they are all looking good in the "J-formation" of Jantzen sweaters.

Featured here are: Alan Ameche, Baltimore Colts, Ron Waller, LA Rams, Harlon Hill, Chicago Bears, Jack Christensen, Detroit Lions, Howie Ferguson, Green Bay Packers, Dick Moegle, SF 49ers, Kyle Rote, NY Giants, Les Richter, LA Rams, Dale Dodrill, Pittsburgh Steelers, Frank Gifford, NY Giants, Dick "Night Train" Lane, Chicago Cardinals, Billy Wilson, SF 49ers, Doak Walker, Detroit Lions, Ollie Matson, Chicago Cardinals, Adrian Buck, Philadelphia Eagles, Bert Rechichar, Baltimore Colts, Fred Morrison, Cleveland Browns, EddieLeBaron, Washington Redskins, Ray Matthews, Pittsburgh Steelers, Darrell Brewster, Cleveland Browns.

The featured sweaters are the "Upper-classmen" and "High Vee" and the "Good mixer" cardigan (who doesn't need one or two of those?).

J-Crew, you've got nothing on the 1950s.

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