
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

1972 Stancraft NFL Posters by George Bartell

By John Turney

The 1972 Stancraft poster series had only one artist - Geroge Bartell. He was a master of watercolor and had done many excellent works in the past, including the 1968 Steelers poster which was the only one that was a repeater in the 1972 series.

Here are all 26 plus the 1973 Rams Poster which showed the uniform change made by the club. The Bengals, for some reason, had the stripes on the helmet. It's been documented that the Bengals decided not to go with them in 1968, but did adopt them in 1981. Perhaps in the 1972 off-season, they were being reconsidered. For some reason, Bartell included them in the Bengals artwork.

These final two were added in 1976, Again, art was by George Bartell


  1. could it be that the artist used the Bengals striped prototype for his poster seen here

  2. sum that is at his disposal to the full availability of the individual institutes", that is, to donate. graphic design

  3. I have the Bengals poster with the stripes. It's pretty obvious when you see it full size that someone superimposed the stripes over the original. Still, it's a really cool poster and prompts interesting discussion.
    Those Bartell posters are classics!

  4. Anyone have an NFL Bartell poster collection for sale? Cash buyer! Paul 8179148831

  5. Are any of these still available to buy? I would love to purchase a Miami Doplhin poster. I had one as a kid
