
Thursday, June 6, 2024

Another Alternate Uniform — Another 'Meh' Grade: Vikings

 By John Turney

Today the Minnesota Vikings announced their "Winter Warrior" uniforms -- following the trend of white helmets and uniforms  -- kind of the opposite of the alternate black uniforms some teams were donning in the fairly recent past.

These are just okay. Call them a C-. It's the same striping and similar, though not exact, numeral set as their usual uniforms but with the accent color now silver rather than gold/yellow.

The numerals lack the "sail" which is one the second number of two-digit numbers. These are clean -- and have a silver outline. But the font appears to be the same.

If you are into the "icy" look, you'll like them. If you are not in the white for white's sake thing, you'll think they are bland. And the single silver stripe down the middle of the helmet ... why? It's odd.

One thing is fur sure, a lof of folks at Nike have forgotten that contrast is a design element. Here, only the purple numbers will be visible from the stands. Fans will not be able to see the Viking horn on the helmet unless they are very close to the field. Same thing for even HD television. It will mostly look like a white helmet with no design.

To us, this is an average uniform as it is and the white makes it worse. 

Some shots—


  1. From Brian wolf ...

    Jeez ... more crap.

  2. As a non-fan of single bar helmet stripes, what is with the single bar helmet stripe here?

    1. Good question ... not sure what they were thinking. Possible there is a reason, sometimes Nike will give explanations ... have not seen anything yet. I sure don't get it.

  3. Seriously? A franchise playing in an INDOOR stadium trying to market themselves as "ice" and "winter" tough guys.......Carl Eller, Mick Tinglehoff, and Jim Marshall have to be just shaking their heads.......Brian Wolf sums it up perfectly in his 3 words......

    1. BW ...

      Haha ... commemorates the Snowflake Generation?

  4. Brian, you're on a roll....."commemorates the Snowflake Generation"......perfect!!!....

  5. "real Minnesota": 2014 the Vikings host Seattle in a first round playoff game in the Gophers' OUTDOOR stadium (that glass palace was in the process of being built)'s 10 degrees farenheit below zero.....late 80s something in age Bud Grant comes out as the honor ceremonial coin midfield he's introduced to the's 10 below zero....Bud is outfitted in a polo shirt.......polo shirt......god how I miss old school pro football.....

    1. BW ...

      Thanks Jim, yet the uniforms seem similar to the Colts or Cowboys rather than what Vikings fans' expect
